Interviews are done! Do I have color coded notes, one color for each applicant? I do!
Today’s tea: Glenburn Monsoon Season… \
Today’s music: Stray OST… \
Today’s to-dos: Get rid of headache, finish interviews, calibrate ancillary positioning system
Today’s tea: Cloud and Mist Green from Mandala Tea… \ Today’s music: Quiet Songs by Jessica Curry… \ Today’s adventure: Resident interviews and documentation!
Ordering all the things from Penzey’s…
I get you, pump #7.
I am an obscure hymn.
Had coffee with plants today.
Started annual QA this evening - got a decent chunk done. Yay. Now, a four day weekend.
Timed medication adjustment so that today is icky since I don’t have to go in anyway. Happy New Year!