: Was given a gift by one of our residents today 💙

: I got a new lunchbox!

: New specs.

: Porch

: New book, new game!

: Had a lovely walk this morning. So glad it’s finally cooling down!

: Split sunset!

: I got to eat ice cream for the first time in forever because the local place has started carrying …

: We got new games from a local game store today! This one, Multiuniversarum, is definitely a winner! …

: My friend crocheted me two of these adorable sunflower capybaras so I could have one at work and one …

: We introduced Polly and Bandit tonight. It went okay. Bandit is a butt, but there weren’t any …

: Balance!

: Done!

: I am very cool

: I got some stickers to express myself with.

: It’s a compression sock kind of day, but at least peegs are cute.

: 23,839.

: Finally got it framed!

: “It’s not her fault she’s an inbred disaster. She didn’t ask to be her own …

: I managed to do some errands and chores I’ve been putting off for way too long. I bought …

: We said goodbye to our Petra today. She was a loud and stubborn peeg, full of spunk, and we miss her …

: Today’s Pager Count: Four (none have fallen into a toilet) Today’s Tea: Margaret’s Hope …

: Had a lovely visit with Dr. L. today. And actually exercised this morning, if you can believe it. …

: Thing I do not recommend: Throwing your pager in the toilet.

: Peeg.

: Got a nice service award/gift thing from the ABR today!

: “Now we must wait for the giant aliens.”

: Switched two of the girls to fleece bedding, since Mo’s hind legs are struggling. She can get …

: Teapot that Mammaw bought at a junk shop and Ant let me have. Sheep mug that I bought at the …

: Took a walk this morning. The creek is high, but we haven’t had flooding like some other …

: Food in my bowl!

: She doesn’t believe there is any food in the bowl.

: Coffee trip, then teaching.

: Petra has resumed making her hay nests, which we’re taking as a good sign!

: Bandit and Mo did not approve of my cleaning their cage!

: Biggs & Smols <3

: Can anyone tell me when Speptember is?

: Mo snuggles!

: Pride month pins for my backpack!

: My neuralgia spiked on Friday, so I spent most of the weekend medicated and asleep, but did finally …

: Hoping my prize submission donation will be accepted for AGDQ to help raise money for Doctors …

: How Jeff found me this morning and the book I finished earlier today. Now the dilemma that occurs …

: Bought myself a Pride Month present from a local artist.

: When things at the Cheese Festival don’t go as planned.

: When you are so sad that your friend comes in on her day off and brings you chocolate to eat and a …

: Important addition to my water bottle.

: Sock status: Opossums and roses, from Audrey S \ Tea Status: India Elephant Friendly Assam from …

: Picked up this treasure of a board game at the Friends of the Library bookstore the other day - …

: When you have a veg-beard and you’re in your hay fortress, but you think there might be more …

: This post is too long for a microblog. My brain tried to compose an aria in German in my sleep last night. The title was something …

: “Signal low. Battery low. Water low. A little grouchy.”

: Test?

: Today’s Tea: Valley Peak and Ahmad English No. 1. Today’s Tunes: Fez OST, Anthem OST, Hollow Knight …

: Fun mail day!!!

: Sometimes wearing my socks that have aardvarks on them is a celebration, and sometimes it is a …

: I think a change of 8 or more mmHg in about a 12ish hour period might be the magic migraine number. …

: It was cold enough out for sun dogs on Sunday, but somehow that seems appropriate. Don’t worry, I …

: We finally have a sunny day, though very cold. I’d stay in all day, but our little fur …

: Fighting a bit of a headache, but enjoying some Royale Darjeeling tea from Plum Deluxe …

: I should have mentioned: I am safely home

: 1) Insurance companies are awful 2) Enjoying some cloud & mist green tea

: Woke up early to have extra time for the drive, but luckily the snow hasn’t even started yet. Making …

: Rou gui tea day, and generally feeling sleep deprived and vaguely cranky.

: Boo, insomnia. I have made a todo list in the hope my brain would shut up, but no luck this far.

: Does this still crosspost? Let’s find out.

: Had a lovely birthday and ate way too many cupcakes. I think that’s the right way to do things, …

: Currently listening to: Episode 427 of The Pen Addict \ Currently drinking: Apple + Ginger AHA \ …

: Now drinking: Celestial Seasonings Pumpkin Something? Tea \ Now listening to: Mass Effect Andromeda …